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品牌最初每天最多只能製作約十四條牛仔褲,並由人手在每條牛仔褲的後袋繪上海鷗圖樣,亦因為這份對牛仔褲的熱愛及對細節一絲不苟的態度,令EVISU很快便被有著極高要求的日本時尚界所喜愛,而且更掀起了一股席卷全世界的古著牛仔褲熱潮。EVISU 二十年來的堅持及專注,為品牌贏盡口碑及好評,成為不少牛仔褲收藏家及潮流人士的最愛。享譽國際的同時,並沒有減少品牌對品質的嚴格要求,而匠心獨具的核心價值早已經根深蒂固,更成為牛仔褲史上的一個經典。時至今日,品牌的產品已邁向生活化,提供各式各樣的產品,包括男士和女士牛仔褲、T裇、襯衣、汗衫、針織服、內褲和眼鏡等時尚生活精品。
首家直营店“Old Hampshire Bond”于4月在大阪开业。
为庆祝世界杯,品牌首次携手Puma推出足球系列The EVISU Shoos Collection,每赛季含100款设计。
首次推出“EVISU SUN”太阳镜系列
EVISU为2014秋冬系列打造新形象。新形象由时尚摄影师Terry Richardson拍摄。
EVISU为2014秋冬系列打造新形象。新形象由时尚摄影师Terry Richardson拍摄。
与美国头饰品牌New Era联手推出帽子系列
Partnership with Craft-Bamboo Racing for the 64th Macau Grand Prix FIA GT World Cup with Porsche GT3 R
Collaborated with W Hotel for a special edition tea set
Collaborated with Pepsi for a limited edition collection and CAN
Collaborated with Pepsi for a limited edition collection and CAN
Partnership with KC Motogroup Ltd(KCMG) for the 65th Macau Grand Prix FIA GT World Cup with Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3
Collaborated with Champion for Autumn crossover collection
Collaborated with Champion for Autumn crossover collection
Collaborated with BE@RBRICK for Winter crossover collection
Team up with Swarovski for a special edition collection
Collaborated with Keith Haring for Spring/Summer crossover collection
Welcome Edison Chen back on board as brand ambassador in the latest Fall/Winer campaign starring the fashion icon and the free-spirited attitude of the cult label
Welcome Edison Chen back on board as brand ambassador in the latest Fall/Winer campaign starring the fashion icon and the free-spirited attitude of the cult label
Partnership with BSEM Aston Martin Racing for the 66th Macau Grand Prix FIA GT World Cup with Aston Martin GT4
Partnership with Craft-Bamboo Racing for 66th Macau Grand Prix FIA GT World Cup with Mercedes AMG GT3
Partnership with SJM Prema Theodore Racing for the 66th Macau Grand Prix FIA F3 World Cup
Collaborated with London's PALACE Skateboards for Spring Crossover collection